Project Malleus Parabellum 28mm Mech

Project Malleus Parabellum 28mm Mech 3D print model


Compatible with One Page Rules (OPR), particularly for those of you with Titan Lord armies...

Here's the free preview of the instructions for this massive mech in PDF form.

PDF Instructions at WeTransfer Link:

Project Malleus Parabellum is the whispered code word given by weapons experts for a new mechanized armor prototype that is tearing enemy units apart at a horrific rate among the interdimensional battlefields of the Universi.

Though their numbers are few, these new experimental units pack enough firepower to level entire hab-blocks or armored mech platoons in a single salvo.

I know 28mm is called a lot of things, but I prefer 1/56th scale. If you don’t know, this is a big mech kit, about 200mm to the top of the hood (8 inches) and about 240mm to the top of the missile launchers (9.5 inches). It’s a big boy. At least a Kg and a half of resin.

Project Malleus Parabellum is formed with magnets in mind, though you can choose to just print more models and glue them in place. I offer adapter parts in the files, and free online, for folks who don’t want to fuss with polarities and ordering separate parts.

If you’re going to magnetize, you’re going to need magnets and steel washers.

I have incorporated pockets for magnets in Project Malleus Parabellum for 8mm, 12mm, and 15mm neodymium disk magnets, all in 3mm thickness.

This was the first reward for my new Tribes and Patreon effort, who got it at a substantial discount. For your own reduced prices on my back catalog and a chance to get my new mech first at a low price, join my Tribes or Patreon.




Licensed for unlimited personal prints only.

No distribution or reselling of digital or printed files, please.

I have a nasty caffeine habit that needs feeding. ;)

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Project Malleus Parabellum 28mm Mech
Custom No Ai License 
Project Malleus Parabellum 28mm Mech
Custom No Ai License 
Response 88% in 4.1h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • PDF (.pdf)2.14 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-04-01
  • Model ID#4406345
  • Ready for 3D Printing