Project Gigante-Superheavy Fire Support Mech in 28mm

Project Gigante-Superheavy Fire Support Mech in 28mm 3D print model


As seen on The Makers Cult (thanks, gents).

Compatible with One Page Rules, particularly for those of you with Titan Lords armies.

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The citizens of Renner's World were the frequent targets ofheavy interdimensional kaiju and megafauna attacks. These suddenassaults through the worldgates would leave thousands dead andentire city habitat blocks flattened. Something more thanconventional means was needed to fight these predatory menaces

Putting their advanced technology to work, the Renner armordesigners developed large mobile platforms to counter the hulkingbiological menaces. Project Gigante evolved to become a heavy firesupport unit, able to bring the fight to the invaders while stayingout of reach of their horrific claws, tentacles, and teeth.

Its hulking chassis packs not one or two, but four devastating DualPhase Particle Laser (DPPL) cannons, weapons usually reserved forGoliath Mobile Fortresses or fixed worldgate defense turrets.Supplemental weaponry is provided in the form of twinconventional laser cannons and a choice of direct or indirect firemissiles.

These help screen against smaller threats, such asjuvenile kaiju in hunting packs or hordes of parasites than canoverwhelm the Gigante in close quarters.

Some Gigante pilots have taken to mounting racks of claymoreexplosives on their mechs' lower legs to deal with this threat, butthe Renner Defense League is contemplating adapting the ProjectRaptor data core designs to make a local variant, one which istailor-made to deal with lesser threats while the Giganteconcentrates on burning quadruple holes into and through charredkaiju flesh.

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Project Gigante-Superheavy Fire Support Mech in 28mm
Custom No Ai License 
Project Gigante-Superheavy Fire Support Mech in 28mm
Custom No Ai License 
Response 88% in 4.1h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (8 files)627 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)34.5 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-10-06
  • Model ID#4821179
  • Ready for 3D Printing