NOVA for 3D Printing fanart Cutted Keyed and Tested

NOVA for 3D Printing fanart Cutted Keyed and Tested 3D print model


The model is a Fan Art of a well-known RTS game. I modeled and printed it completely by myself. I don't have post-processing skills but I have no doubt that the model will look amazing with a nice paint job.

DETAILS:-24 Pieces-Tested on a fdm 3D printer-No holes, no mesh error, decimated-8 pieces for minerals -4 Pieces for the base-Cutted and Keyed

If you have any questions or any mesh error you can write me, I will try to help you if I can.

I am a freelancer, please don't share or resell my work.

Lucas - Arte Astral 3D

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steinprof2021-04-13 01:23:38 UTC
NOVA for 3D Printing fanart Cutted Keyed and Tested
Custom License 
NOVA for 3D Printing fanart Cutted Keyed and Tested
Custom License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography 1 (.stl)170 MB
  • High-Res Renderings 09 (.hrd)170 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-12-09
  • Model ID#2750102
  • Ready for 3D Printing