This 3D file kit is an after-market product to support the Moebius Model's 2001: A Space Odyssey 1/8 scale EVA Pod. The file set when printed out is a collection of light boxes that fit behind the EVA control panels to blank off light from modifying your EVA POD to have lighted controls. There are other kits on the market at much higher prices. Here you will use these 3D STL files and print them out on a resin printer and use them behind the control panels of the Moebius kit to mount 3 mm LEDs and block off the light to neighboring panels. All holes shown in the kit are set for 3 mm LEDs. You can blank them off with metallic duct tape if desired to use strip LEDs or drill them out for 5 MM LEDs. I tried to make the lit flexible as possible with one set of boxes. The boxes are very close to fitting with minimal hand fitting - depending on your printer warpage or exposure settings. If there are any issues / errors please contact me with the issue and if needed, I can CAD up and create a new STL or support you with answers / ideas for the lighting scope of work.
BONUS FILES: I am adding in the print files for the Chair and Coffee table as seen in the alien bedroom near the end of the movie. Print these at 280% to match the 1/9th scale of Dave Bowman used for the inside or standing model of Bowman as drawn by Max Guenther.