MMB AC4 Vol 1

MMB AC4 Vol 1 3D print model


This is the result of my learning about sculpting 3D mech and printing them so I want to share my work with all of you.

Compatible with BATTLETECH of course!!!

x12 Torsosx12 Headsx10 Hipsx10 Armsx12 Legsx10 Footsx8 Handsx2 Weaponized armsx13 Ranged weaponsx2 Melee weapons

Both arms and legs will come in different angles to create more dynamic poses. You only have to mirror the part you want in your slicer. Every bit needs glue to stay in place.

Regarding the supports, each printer is a world and not always work well according to the printing parameters of each person. Personally I have had problems with files that were presupported and it has been a mess to fix them. Therefore, I do not provide pre-supported files. Sorry for the inconvenience

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MMB AC4 Vol 1
Royalty Free License 
MMB AC4 Vol 1
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)235 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2024-06-03
  • Model ID#5321593