Humans on Erah are in perilous position, the alien invasion has taken over almost the whole planet, and now they live in there. Over time, the Xenoteras have adapted to the planet, blending appearances and DNA from other animals and even plants, slowly transforming the biosphere into their own ecosystem. The Xenoteras originally come from a Common Hive and they form new strains depending on what planet they are on.
Humans are in low numbers but still numerous enough to build a fully effective army to contain this threat. Everything is focused on their own defence and protection, becoming very advanced in some fields but not in the others.
Here are the soldiers of Erah, a well trained infantry ready to defend the planet against the threat of the Xenoteras, the first release for my Patreon page (, which I recommend you to suscribe as it´s only £1 for the Early Bird, having access to content similar to this every month plus a welcome box.
The files come in a .ZIP file where you will see different folders containing the STL files on their own and a CHITUBOX folder for the supported ones. Rifles come with and without bayonettes and the bodies have two alternatives, one standard and one taller, to give a bit of extra variety. Automatic supports have been applied to the STLs, as you will see in the CHITUBOX folder.
Please note that this model is for personal use only. If you are interested on selling my models, please contact me privately
Please remember that these models are for personal use only, no cast, distribution or selling of printed models will be allowed unless with explicit permission of the author. Digital copies are NEVER to be shared, changed or distributed.