warlockmercer2023-07-12 11:57:10 UTCyou should fix the issues with the model BEFORE selling. after 3 attempts I've chosen to move to a different print. extremely poorly made file. I will be requesting a refund.
savarddi2022-12-07 14:57:49 UTCGood looking but lots issues with the model having thin walls and holes. This is a real issue with the cape.
alvaro-martinez-gamo2021-02-05 22:54:20 UTCCool looking model, absolute nightmare to print tho. It's riddled with holes and empty spaces under the clothes that should be adressed and filled before printing. Worth the price on the quality of the sculpt alone, but I can't bring myself to recommend it considering the extra trouble.
schrecknet2020-08-04 05:51:15 UTCModel looks great. There is a major problem with the cloak though. It is hollow and extremely thin, resulting in most of the back of the model tearing free when removing the supports. This exposed detail underneath that shows the cloak was added to the model. This should be filled in to get successful prints.