Fireball XL5 is a British television series in 39 episodes in black and white, created by Sylvia and Gerry Anderson and broadcast between October 28, 1962 and July 21, 1963 on ATV.
The Fireball XL5 is a rocket that is part of the interplanetary fleet responsible for protecting sector 25 of the solar system under the supervision of the World Space Patrol. It is under the command of Steve Zodiac and its crew is made up of Venus, a doctor, Professor Matthew Matic and Robert the robot who is also the co-pilot of the ship. Their mission is to counter threats and other extra-terrestrial invasions.
Wingspan : : 18 cm : 7 inLenght : 40 cm : 15,7 in
EASY to print and to paint , only 6 parts
STL files of a basement is also provided