Housecarls serve as the personal guard of a Fabricar.Although few in number and dwarfed by thr mighty machines of war, the need for human troops able to activly react to changing battlefield conditions is not lost on the nobles of the Fabricarii.
Faction LoreThe Fabricarii Houses:The Noble houses fabricar are, perhaps, the most technologically advanced society on terra. Many are their illustrious halls of devices, radiant in ancient gold and marble.In war only a very few organic beings are ever seen, the majority of their hosts seeming to be living statues, or great engines emitting deadly light.In truth the Fabricarii are a decadent society in decline, their numbers ever dwindling, and their self importance preventing them from seeing even their greatest flaws.
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Every part is included with both supported and non-supported versions for ease of printing.Test models were made on an anycubic photon. Printed at 0.05mm layer height, Esun's bio-PLA resin (grey) 9.5s standard exposure. Models are scaled for 30mm gaming. Parts require support. Recommended resin printing, or FDM with a 0.2mm nozzle.
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