Expanse UNN Truman Class Dreadnought

Expanse UNN Truman Class Dreadnought 3D print model


Detailed, print ready scale model of UNN Truman Class Dreadnought1/1000 scale, 370 mm in length total, you can rescale as you like.

The ship cut in several parts. Forward section of 3 various Truman models, Agatha King, Tripoli and Thomas Prince, Railgun (you need 2), Aft, Engines (you need 6) or Aft + Engines combined

Also comes with a stand and mini scale Rocinante model, Stand, Stand Legs (you need 6), 3 different plaques for 3 different models.

Test print done with Aycubic Photon S resin printer.

Files also include FBX export all models.

Truman class dreadnoughts are the most powerful capital ships in the United Nations Navy (UNN) They are 370 meters long, armed with 2 turreted heavy railguns, 9 x torpedo launchers (15 on upgraded ships), 42 x point defence cannons (46 on upgraded ships). They also have internal hangar bay which can carry a complement of dropships and repair skiffs. Although not as advanced as its MCRN counterpart Donnager Class battleships, Truman class dreadnought are formidable with their wide array of armament. They act ac flagships of the fleets and UNN controlled sectors.

You can print either Agatha King, Tripoli or Thomas Prince forward sections to make the respected ship variant. Agatha King was the flag ship of UNN Jupiter Fleet, Tripoli was upgraded to carry additional torpido launchers and point defence cannon to protect Sol Ring, and Thomas Prince was modifed to carryout diplomatic & exploratory excpeditions.

*02/09/2022; Small Scale Update, closed exhaust sections for small scale prints where exhausts are too thin to print properly + Updated the Engine piece, there was an issue making it unprintable, thats all fixed now/

Item rating
2 0
ichabodspe2022-02-27 20:39:25 UTC
An update to my previous review, the missing meshes appear to be a slicer issue and not a model issue. They did not appear in either Prusa or Lychee, only in Tinkercad when I went to chop up the model.
numisiavesta2022-01-24 00:03:56 UTC
Expanse UNN Truman Class Dreadnought
Editorial No Ai License 
Expanse UNN Truman Class Dreadnought
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 79% in 4.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)414 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (16 files)111 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-11-26
  • Model ID#3411308
  • Ready for 3D Printing