Expanse MCRN Donnager

Expanse MCRN Donnager 3D print model


Detailed print ready scale model of MCRN Donnager.

1/1000 scale, 500 mm in length total, you can rescale as you like.

The ship cut in several parts. (Body, Cargo, Comms, Engine (you need 4), Railgun (you need 2 or 4), Torpedo Bay.

Also comes with a stand and mini scale Rocinante model (Stand, Stand Legs (you need 6), Plaque, mini-Roci.

Test print done with Aycubic Photon S resin printer.

Files also include FBX export all models.

Donnager class battleships are the pinnacle of the Martian Congressional Republic Navy (MCRN) Fleet. They are almost 500 meters long, armed with 2 turreted heavy rail guns, 14 x torpedo launchers, 59 point defense cannons. They also have internal hangar bay which can carry a complement 12 MCRN destroyers or 6 MCRN frigates as well as dropships and repair skiffs. At the time of their comissioning, Donnager class battleships were the most advanced and heavily armed battleship in the Sol. Originally Donnager class designed with 2 railguns but it has extra 2 vacant hardpoints for future upgrades for if and when better reactor technologies become avaliable, you can print 2 extra railguns to mount on the vacant hardpoints to upgrade your battleship. MCRN Donnager, which the model based on is the lead ship of her class and the flag ship of the MCRN Jupiter Fleet.

*02/09/2022; Small Scale Update, closed exhaust sections for small scale prints where exhaust are too thin to print properly

Item rating
3 0
ichabodspe2022-02-05 16:58:24 UTC
Excellent model. I was able to get the whole thing printed on my Flashforge Adventurer 3 using a 0.3 nozzle without too many issues and it looks really awesome! I wish there was a way to upload images on reviews. Using a resin printer would obviously produce the best results, but the fact that I was able to make this on a budget FDM printer says a lot!
numisiavesta2022-01-24 01:08:22 UTC
abelsavard2022-01-11 17:01:05 UTC
My only thought would be that it would be considerably easier to 3d print if some of the pieces were split length ways with a flat side i could lay down on my machine
Expanse MCRN Donnager
Editorial No Ai License 
Expanse MCRN Donnager
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 79% in 4.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)86 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)73.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-11-26
  • Model ID#3409907
  • Ready for 3D Printing