Expanse FN Pella - MCRN Light Cruiser

Expanse FN Pella - MCRN Light Cruiser 3D print model


Detailed print ready scale model of Free Navy flag ship Pella (MCRN Light Cruiser)This was a challenging model because of the lack of source material and its smaller size requires actual detailed PDCs, result was very likely to the original Pella but with small deviations.1/1000 scale, 89 mm in length , you can rescale as you like.

The ship cut in several parts and variants.-Full Model with extended / retracted / empty PDC hole variants-Simple 2 piece Body Block and Drive Block parts with retracted PDCs-Parts; Back, Bay (Left), Bay (Right), Body, Drive, Torpedo Bay (Left), Torpedo Bay (Right) prepaperd for bigger prints and includes empty PDC holes so you can print and add your preferred PDC variants

Files also include detailed PDCs for bigger projects.-Poseable variant can be printed in 6 pieces and posed. (includes spaces for small magnets for really large prints). This version is almost identical to the ones in show. -Enhanced variant comes with 4 pre-posed articulations, this version is strengthened for smaller prints.-There is also a retracted variant.

Also included a stand system.-Stand-Legs (6 required)-Plaque (Pella and MCRN Light Cruiser variants)-Low Poly & Low detail scale Rocinante -2 different Stand Arms for putting the Rocinante on for the either sides of the prints.

Files also include FBX, 3DS and OBJ export of all models.

Pella is the flag ship of the Free Navy forces and the personal ship of Marco Inaros. It has been gifted to Inaros by MCRN seperatist led by Admiral Winston Duarte with dozens of other ships. Along with the Scirocco class assault cruisers and MCRN heavy frigates, Pella was one of the power houses of the Free Navy and hit devatating blows to MCRN and the UNN forces. Despite her size and armaments her reign almost came to an end when she went against the Rocinante and outsmarted by them. Her eventual fate is remains classified.

Pella is an MCRN light cruiser with undisclosed classification, it has stealth characteristics and designed as an arsenal ship / missile platform. Its able to launch more then 100 torpedoes from it 6 (or 10 according to model) forward torpedo tubes. With such a high torpedo volume it can easily overwhelm the defenses of larger capital ships. Its self defense provided by again its large number of torpedos in the long range and by 9 x Nariman Dynamics 40mm PDCs in short range.

*02/09/2022; Small Scale Update, closed exhaust sections for small scale prints where exhausts are too thin to print properly

Item rating
3 0
kirahitomi2023-05-19 19:51:18 UTC
Amazingly detailed, highly recommend!
r01strike2022-09-11 02:30:41 UTC
An amazing model, thank you for your hard work!
janb0072022-08-30 09:49:01 UTC
Expanse FN Pella - MCRN Light Cruiser
Editorial No Ai License 
Expanse FN Pella - MCRN Light Cruiser
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 79% in 4.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (31 files)234 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)58.6 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)138 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-05-18
  • Model ID#3489831
  • Ready for 3D Printing