Executor- Class Super Star Destroyer

Executor- Class Super Star Destroyer 3D print model


Model is made by hand by myself, a complete recreation of the Super Star Destroyer shown in the Empire Strikes back, it is highly detailed and scaled to be printed at 15 inched long. However, due to it's high level of detail, you can print this up to 2-4 feet long and it will look just as impressive, no details lost. This file contains the full version and the sliced version, with a bow and stern. The ship is made with care and I'm sure you will love it. Features a fully greebled engine block and superstructure along with the trench and other details. I made sure to model the ship's hull plating, which many people skip over. It has authentic paneling and livens up the surface to look less boring.

About the Ship:The Executor-class Star Dreadnought, also known as the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer, Super-class Star Destroyer or simply Super Star Destroyer, designed by Lira Wessex were some of the largest and most powerful Imperial starships ever created. Along with other classes of massive Imperial capital ships, they were also referred to as Super Star Destroyers, although they were technically classified as Star Dreadnoughts. The most distinguished Super Star Destroyer was the Executor, flagship of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader.

Vessels of the Executor-class Dreadnought line measured at 19,000 meters in length, and utilizing its thirteen Executor-50.x engines, could reach speeds of 100 kilometers per hour. These starships were crewed by thousands, and were outfitted with a class 1 hyperdrive, a titanium-reinforced hull, over 5,000 turbolasers and ion cannon batteries, and concussion missile tubes. A bridge deflector shield was also included as a layer of defense and maintained a complement of thousands of starships including TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, TIE/sa bombers, and TIE/IN interceptors. Vessels of the Executor-class also had at least one hangar bay and escape pods.

The Executor-class's bridge was 285 meters wide and contained shield generators, briefing rooms, and escape pods. However, it was relatively exposed, making it vulnerable to enemy attack.

Item rating
1 0
lotuzoryukai2023-03-25 22:37:44 UTC
Extremely detailed and well done!
Executor- Class Super Star Destroyer
Royalty Free License 
Executor- Class Super Star Destroyer
Royalty Free License 
Response 67% in 55.9h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)10.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-08-16
  • Model ID#3933506
  • Ready for 3D Printing