The Servo Bots is a multipart kit to create either F.I.S.T. or D.K.A. servo bots for your Scifi tabletop.
Includes :Main body assembly :
Legs :
Shoulders :
Arms :
Ranged version 1 (2 blasters + 1 flamer) :on the right side use R_strongarm_gun or L_arm(mirrored) + gun_main + gun_twinblaster + gun_extension-slot + ext_flamer
on the left side use L_arm + L_hand_no-ext
Ranged version 2 (3 blasters)on the right side use R_strongarm_gun or L_arm(mirrored) + gun_main + gun_triblaster + gun_extra_ammo
on the left side use L_arm + L_hand_no-ext
Every part is included with both supported and non-supported versions for ease of printing.Every file is tested for resin printing. Test prints were done on Anycubic Photon/Elegoo Mars, with 0.05mm layer height, and 12 seconds exposure.
NOTE: Do not under any circumstances share these files for free or commercially!