Dark Mech Rat Riders

Dark Mech Rat Riders 3D print model


The purchase includes a zip containing stl models for:

  • 5 raiders. The leader is equiped with a pistol, while the 4 other sculpts are equipped with rifles.
    • 5 guard riders. The leader is equiped with a heavy pistol, another is equipped with a heavy carbine, while the 3 other sculpts are equipped with two pistols. All are equipped with flamers.
  • 10 different 60 x 35 mm factory themed bases with pipes, diamond cut metal, and brickwork.
  • a variety of miscellaneous bits, including a spare sheathed rifle for the raider leader, and basing materials such as vials, candles, books and scrolls.

The models are very high detail, and spindly in some areas. I have personally gotten them to print well using chi-tu-box, but care must be taken when setting up and removing supports. Areas such as the wiring on the face, and the toes of the rat mount are most likely to break. I reccommend placing very small, ~.4mm supports at these areas, and removing the majority of supports while the print is clean but uncured. Curing will harden the areas significantly, remvoing flexibility, but becoming difficult to break.

Any models shown were printed on an anycubic photon at the standard resolution.

I would love to know how your prints turn out, and about any problems you come accrossed.

marmeladnygirl2021-09-17 14:03:08 UTC
Great work!
neverwinter-862021-09-16 12:02:19 UTC
navod3d2021-09-05 08:43:23 UTC
Wow, awesome work!
linkinpark-bell2021-08-30 14:02:31 UTC
ahg-models2021-04-25 23:48:09 UTC
Good work.
Item rating
1 0
KarlPayneArt2020-06-26 15:30:25 UTC
Extremely detailed and unique, very happy with the results. Artist took extra time to break up pieces for conversions, will definitely be purchasing more works!
Dark Mech Rat Riders
Editorial No Ai License 
Dark Mech Rat Riders
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 84% in 3.9h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)1.24 GB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2020-06-07
  • Model ID#2422781