Clone Wars Venator Capital Ship

Clone Wars Venator Capital Ship 3D print model


The imposing capital ship of the Republic during the Clone Wars has arrived to the Galactic Armory!

This project has a massive scale, defaulting to nearly 3 feet in length!


Pieces are pre-cut and pre-registered to fit together. Interlocking pieces ensure the ship is very strong and can support its own weight.

Holes have been cut inside the registration keys to allow for wooden support rods. These act the same way rebar reinforces cement - drastically increasing the models support and strength. The holes are sized for 1/4" diameter wooden rods - which you can find at most craft stores.

The pre-cut pieces mean this project is very accessible for smaller 3D printers. The largest pieces measure 8in length, 6 in height, and 6" in depth.

Orliqq2022-05-01 09:12:21 UTC
Can you please tell me dimensions of the whole model? Lenght, width, height? Based on your dimensions of the biggest piece, I would maybe fit it to my printer at 50% scale, but I do not know how big it would be in the end.. Thank you :)
ocd-shipyards2023-11-11 20:34:16 UTC
I printed the entire thing, all parts at 100%, and it came out to 35.75" long when fully assembled. You should be able to calculate the largest size your printer can output from that, but unfortunately I've lost all the calculations where I determined native/canon size for this vs. the Imperial version against the 44" Lego UCS Star Destroyer. (To print an Imperial version in correct scale with the 44" Lego UCS Star Destroyer, you would print each of these parts at 71% of their native size for a 31.28" end result.) I hope this helps.
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Clone Wars Venator Capital Ship
Editorial No Ai License 
Clone Wars Venator Capital Ship
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 82% in 42.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (54 files)501 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-12-20
  • Model ID#2769848
  • Ready for 3D Printing