CHIBI-TECH SD modular Mecha. 30mm chibi (super-deform) sci-fi tabletop miniatures series come with a single-piece .STL and FDM-optimized versions for quality supportless printing. Many include free alternate variant sculpts. Also includes ready-to-print .PNG format GAME CARD(S). Designed to be 100% modular by using 6x1.5mm neodynium magnets.
A-14 ZEN-4: An Armored Medium Weapons Arm. The Arm itself is an armored and vented reinforced casing which wraps either High-Yield over-and-under Ion Cannons for maximum close-range rending carnage, or similar layout Particle Beam Cannons capable of lancing through targets at mid to long range. This file pack comes with both Left and Right hand versions of this Arm in single-form and FDM-optimized format, as well as a CHIBI-TECH SD Game Stas Card and Deckback .PNG files for either loadout.
This file pack inlcudes:A-14 ZR-4 LEFT ARM ION/PBC (original and FDM optimized) .stlA-14 ZR-4 RIGHT ARM ION/PBC (original and FDM optimized) .stlCHIBI-TECH SD game stats card & deck back .png for each