CHIBI-TECH SD modular Mecha. 30mm chibi (super-deform) sci-fi tabletop miniatures series come with a single-piece .STL and FDM-optimized versions for quality supportless printing. Many include free alternate variant sculpts. Also includes ready-to-print .PNG format GAME CARD(S). Designed to be 100% modular by using 6x1.5mm neodynium magnets.
G-10 DOMINATOR IV DUO: A Lightweight Gunpod manufactured by the Corporation as its base-line Module to take on Medium Soft targets, Armored vehicles, or Light Mecha. It hosts paired MK.IV Dominator Standard Sub-Machine Guns with a built-in targeting system and spacious ammo canisters for their 20mm Kinettic Rounds. Unilaterally designed to work for both Left or Right side fitment. This file pack comes with a single-form and FDM-optimized format STL, as well as a CHIBI-TECH SD Game Stas Card and Deckback .PNG files.
This file pack inlcudes:G-10 DOMINATOR MK.IV DUO (original and FDM optimized) .stlCHIBI-TECH SD game stats card & deck back .png