Extensive Super detailed catenary set for H0-scale models of Swedish Era II, III and IV. Commonly referred to as welded Old style.All items are designed, tested and verified to be used to carry the over-head wires on a H0-scale Model Railroad. The system works perfect together with Märklin, Roco, Peco, Viessmann and Sommerfeldt and the other main brands of track- and catenary systems in the market.
All items developed and test printed on Anycubic Photon Mono 4k and Photon Ultra DLP printer to verify function, detail and printability. I recommend using Anycubic Craftsman Resin for high strength and reliable operation of the masts.
Print files are included and all neccesary preparations are made to simplify print.
*The Editorial licence of course includes unlimited printing for your own Model Railroad. However, the 3D models provided in this set must NOT be used for commersial production or re-sale of the 3D-models.