*Iceland FBX 3D printable mesh *
The following files exist in this package :*
iceland_fbxDisplacement1_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1920x1080
iceland_fbxDisplacement2_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1920x1080
iceland_fbxDisplacement3_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1920x1080
iceland_fbxDisplacement4_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1920x1080
iceland_fbxDisplacement5_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1920x1080
iceland_fbxDisplacement6_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1920x1080
iceland_fbxDisplacement7_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1920x1080
iceland_fbxDisplacement8_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1920x1080
iceland_CM0000.exr - resolution : 12107x9152
iceland_CM0000.jpg - resolution : 12107x9152
iceland_CM_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1024x774
iceland_countryPlusNeighboursMask0000.exr - resolution : 12107x9152
iceland_countryPlusNeighboursMask0000.jpg - resolution : 12107x9152
iceland_countryPlusNeighboursMask_preview0000.jpg - resolution : 1024x774
These textures align to following latitude/longitude coordinates :
minimum Latitude :63.3967170715
maximum Latitude :66.564163208
minimum Longitude :-24.5399055481
maximum Longitude :-13.5029182434
Tags :
iceland_fbxDisplacement earth longitude latitude world geomapping iceland iceland_Masks cartography geography terrain landscapes MakingMapsPretty map globemaker topography openstreetmap