Force Protection HESCO bastion barrier T-Wall K-Rail

Force Protection HESCO bastion barrier T-Wall K-Rail 3D print model


HESCO bastion barrierA collapsible wire mesh container and heavy duty fabric liner, and used as a temporary to semi-permanent levee or blast wall against small-arms fire and/or explosives. It has seen considerable use during the War on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Originally designed for use on beaches and marshes for erosion and flood control, the HESCO barrier quickly became a popular security device in the 1990s.The HESCO models are the most common MIL-1 format 1.1m square by 1.4m tall. Single and double high models are provided. Both the concertina collapsible sided version and simple square units are included, with the spiral wire jointers modelled into the design. I’ve also given the faces of the HESCO a more natural bulge from the earth fill. A slight recess is provided in the top to allow a sand & grit texture for more realism.

T-Wall (Bremer wall)A precast concrete barrier primarily used to provide protection against improvised explosive devices (IEDs), rocket attacks, and other forms of indirect fire. As a result, Bremer walls are capable of stopping or deflecting even the most powerful explosive devices. Much like HESCO bastions, t-wall barriers were commonly used as perimeter fortifications of forward operating bases during the War on terror. The walls provided in this set have a variety of damage, scrapes, impact marks, exposed aggregate, and exposed steel reinforcing, as well as a single undamaged wall unit.

K-rail (Jersey barrier)The design of the Jersey barrier was specifically intended to minimize damage in incidental accidents and reduce the likelihood of a car crossing into oncoming lanes in the event of a collision. In common shallow-angle hits, sheet-metal damage is minimized by allowing the vehicle tires to ride up on the lower sloped face. Head-on vehicle collisions are minimized by gradually lifting the vehicle and pivoting it away from oncoming vehicles and back into traffic heading in its original direction. Sometimes they are deployed to form a chicane to slow vehicular traffic arriving at military installations or other secure areas. During the US occupation of Iraq jersey barriers were set up in cities as form of urban warfare to combat Iraqi resistance.The two models for K-rails are as show with a tapered end unit, and the main rail. I selected a barrier design that has more interesting features to add interest to an otherwise simple object (e.g. fence post holes, lifting holes, bridge pier support points).

The models have been designed from technical drawings and various online images. I have been as accurate as I can, I have also made design decisions to thicken up some components for durability when printing. The model is provided in 1:10 scale (metric), for you to re-size to your desired print scale.Overall, this model is intended for larger scale printing. I’ve provided some basic wall configurations, however if you’re wanting to build large/complex objects like Hesco fortifications, then you can combine the single versions into a more complex model.Test printed in resin (anycubic photon mono, grey standard) with photos showing successful test prints at 1:72 and 1:35 scale. Some pre-supported resin print files are provided. Given the number of options, not all models were tested at all scales. I would encourage you to support your own model in your printer. I make no guarantees for the pre-supported models. They worked for my test printing, I suggest you detail your own supports to suit your printer and settings.

Currently in service in various forms throughout the world

constructive feedback is welcome!

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Force Protection HESCO bastion barrier T-Wall K-Rail
Editorial No Ai License 
Force Protection HESCO bastion barrier T-Wall K-Rail
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 60% in 8.8h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (50 files)7.51 GB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-06-27
  • Model ID#4596005