Daffy Duck

Daffy Duck 3D print model


Daffy Duck for 3d print

A tribute to the characters from the 1930–1969 animation


The models were made based on centimeters.

Some slicers like Chitubox and Lychee among others are configured to work in millimeters.

When importing the model and it does not appear, increase the scale to 1000000 and the model should appear in the correct scale.

Any problems send a message before leaving a negative note. Thanks.


  • In four parts to avoid seams.
  • Total points: 324.661
  • Hight: 10 cm


  • OBJ files
  • FBX files
  • STL files
Gurvinderbal2021-09-15 21:29:07 UTC
Thiago3DArt2021-07-30 18:06:10 UTC
The images show the parts and how they are separated. It was necessary to model this way because the parts would collide when fitting. Before you buy, check the pictures and ask the right questions before you get disappointed. Whoever bought it and got in touch was very happy with the model.
nagirroc12021-07-30 17:57:37 UTC
I am very disappointed, in that bill is attached to the body. This prevents me from printing by the colors, which is why I bought it. It may be a good print, but it is not usable for my project. Dianne Corrigan
Thiago3DArt2021-07-31 18:08:19 UTC
In other words... You didn't see what the model was like, you assumed they were separate parts, you made an offer below the price, which I accepted, and yet you denied my work. Neither asked if it was possible to separate the parts to meet your need. I do get disappointed with customers like that, who don't know what they're buying and still evaluate it negatively. Unfortunately this platform does not allow refunds, nor does it evaluate customers. You were the worst.
MetalFox2022-08-28 09:06:49 UTC
Your work is exceptional! Looks just like the cartoons I remember! Nagirroc's complaint is ridiculous, besides the fact they could have made those changes themselves. Miss Dianne doesn't seem too bright, to not know how 'things' work. Besides just fixing her own issues; to then complain to a merchant, about what she was using her purchased product for, as if her feelings were a condition of the transaction and its quality -_-
Item rating
8 1
achoo22024-12-04 05:35:31 UTC
Fiberclassic2024-05-18 18:37:19 UTC
Excelente modelo 100% recomendable!!!
glenlivet672022-06-15 01:37:04 UTC
Files seems pretty solid, but when importing the .stl to lychee…it was microscopic. I had to scale all the pieces up to 150,000 to get them to a desirable size(3-5”).
paul-john-carter2022-06-04 13:16:20 UTC
Love this guys work - truly excellent Daffy.
nagirroc12021-07-31 17:43:18 UTC
Not Recommended
I purchased this item....since I was looking for a model that was printed in parts. I wanted to print all of the same color at the same time. I saw it was in 4 parts, and I assumed it was what I was looking for. After purchasing, I downloaded it....and found that the Orange Bill was still attached to the Black head...I was very disappointed, and then searched again for the model. I then found it for free with all the parts separated. I know you have nice things, but this was not what I wanted. I guess it was my fault for not looking further at the mode. Dianne in Texas
Daffy Duck
Custom License 
Daffy Duck
Custom License 
Response 98% in 0.7h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (4 files)30.4 MBVersion: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (5 files)56 MBVersion: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (4 files)44.4 MBVersion: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-05-08
  • Model ID#3028497
  • Ready for 3D Printing