CARGO-0008 Fish Fruit and Meat boxes H0-scale 23 items

CARGO-0008 Fish Fruit and Meat boxes H0-scale 23 items 3D print model


Fish-, Fruit-, Beer- and Cardboard boxes in H0-scale intended both for decoration inside and outside ware houses, loading docks and in farm lands. Set also include ready-to-print rail cargo (25 x 55mm) modules of both empty and filled crates for open freight cars.

Ready-to-print super detail items set for Model Railroad in H0-scale. Simply download, un-zip, save to USB and print. Enjoy!

The models are developed and test printed on the following 3D-printers to verify function, detail and printability:

  • Anycubic Photon Mono 4k
  • Photon Ultra DLP
  • Anycubic M3 PLUS

The following resins were used during development and test prints:

  • Anycubic Craftsman Resin
  • Phrozen Aqua 4k gray(Beer bottles were printed using Anycubic High Clear resin)

Use the following link for best price of your Siraya tech purchases:

Use the following link for best price of your Anycubic purchases:

at the same time as you support the Modelrailroad3D design work.

All neccesary preparations are made to simplify print including correct supports.

*The Editorial licence of course includes unlimited printing for your own Model Railroad. However, the 3D models provided in this set must NOT be used for commersial production or re-sale of the 3D-models.

benjamin92024-08-17 15:02:25 UTC
suniv22023-02-25 21:28:12 UTC
hi can i print theese models in an fdm printer or should i just not?
modelrailroad3d2023-02-25 21:38:11 UTC
Hi! I have consulted with the team and we all agree that the 3D-models in the set will print on an FDM. You´ll find each model having two STL-files, one with support for resin print and one without. However, the result will be very much dependent on the precision of your printer, the selected wire, the nozzle and layer thickness you select, as well as if you have functions for reducing layer lines. Best regards Modelrailroad3D-team
Refaei2023-01-28 12:43:52 UTC
Great collection!
Item rating
11 0
mcdave542024-10-23 15:31:53 UTC
nickolas3d2024-07-29 17:10:59 UTC
The models are what I was expecting. However I was also expecting some guide to the models in each file. The file descriptions are unclear ad altog there are also illustrations of the models tere is not reference to the file ame that produced it!
hanzl2024-05-17 20:00:37 UTC
I scaled this H0 scale down to N scale and it is still good printable. Nice job
wgrobst2024-01-09 20:53:33 UTC
waldem2023-04-23 09:14:05 UTC
Ik ben zeer tevreden met de 3d print versie voor Ho scale dit draagt bij om mijn hobby leuker en beter te maken.
CARGO-0008 Fish Fruit and Meat boxes H0-scale 23 items
Editorial No Ai License 
CARGO-0008 Fish Fruit and Meat boxes H0-scale 23 items
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 87% in 12.6h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)284 MB
  • PNG (.png)284 MB
  • JPG (.jpg)284 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-01-04
  • Model ID#3489892