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BUILD-0012 Water filling set for steam trains H0-scale

BUILD-0012 Water filling set for steam trains H0-scale 3D print model


Water towers and crane (horse) for steamers. The set includes water towers both in steel and brick construction.

Windows for the structures are made from transparent scrap plastic packages (We found that most people do not want to buy the expensive transparent resin and also not want to change between resins in printer).

Ready-to-print super detailed items set for H0-scale Model Railroad. The Print files (with correct supports, exposure time, lift speed and heights) are included and all neccesary preparations are made to simplify print. Simply download, un-zip, save to USB and print. Enjoy!

The models are developed and test printed to verify function, detail and printability. Testing has been performed on a range of consumer grade 4k, 6k and 8k resin 3D-printers.

We recommend using one of the following resins for high strength and super detail:

  • Anycubic ABS-like resin
  • Shiraya tech ABS-like gray fast
  • Anycubic Craftsman Resin
  • Phrozen Aqua 4k Gray


  • WASHING: Wash all items clean from resin preferrably in a washing mashine 6-8 minutes (Anycubic Wash & Cure 2.0)
  • POST CURING: Leave all items to dry after wash properly. Preferrably over-night / 24h. All sides, including inside surfaces, MUST be exposed to the UV-light. Recommended time: 4 minutes.
  • Paint the details immidiatly after post-curing using a primer. We recommend TAMAIYA Surface Primer Fine Gray.

*The Editorial licence of course includes unlimited printing for your own Model Railroad. However, the 3D models provided in this set must NOT be used for commersial production or re-sale of the 3D-models.

Item rating
5 0
cmdatared2024-10-07 11:54:24 UTC
leohollestelle2024-08-22 13:12:48 UTC
Build-0012 is great. but printing the frame tower is hard. With the supported .STL is for me not possible to print. Looks like it's to heavy. Thanks anyway
isahaug2024-06-24 14:51:55 UTC
krise2024-05-19 21:04:33 UTC
mimpey2023-07-23 00:52:52 UTC
Great details here.
BUILD-0012 Water filling set for steam trains H0-scale
Editorial No Ai License 
BUILD-0012 Water filling set for steam trains H0-scale
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 87% in 12.6h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)86 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-01-03
  • Model ID#4205732