Event Horizon Gravity Drive

Event Horizon Gravity Drive 3D print model


My take on the gravity drive gateway from cult movie Event Horizon 19972 different versions and also splittet so it will be able to rotate

The Gravity Drive, is the experimental drive system designed by Dr. Weir. The Event Horizon was commissioned and launched specifically to test the Gravity Drive.

Located in the aft section of the vessel, it was described by Dr. Weir as creating what he described as a Gateway by folding space so that the start point and destination point coexist in the same space and time.

It was later revealed to Captain Miller by Weir that this effect was achieved through the harnessing of a Singularity, or Black Hole, which is contained within the system Core of the Gravity Drive. The Engineering decks housing the Gravity Drive were sealed behind pressurized doors forming the First and Secondary Containment Seals. This was intended for protecting the personnel and command areas in the Event Horizon's foredecks both from the radiation of the reactor as well as the gravitons used in the gravity drive itself which could escape from the Core as gravity waves.

A rescue crew is tasked with investigating the mysterious reappearance of a spaceship that had been lost for seven years

In 2047, a distress signal is received from the Event Horizon, a starship that disappeared during its maiden voyage to Proxima Centauri seven years earlier. The ship mysteriously reappears in orbit around Neptune, and the rescue vessel Lewis and Clark is dispatched to investigate. Its crew—Captain Miller, second-in-command Lieutenant Starck, pilot Smith, medical technician Peters, engineer Ensign Justin, doctor D.J., and rescue technician Cooper—is joined by Dr. William Weir, the Event Horizon's designer. He briefs them on the ship's experimental gravity drive with a simple visualization of how it folds space-time. The distress signal consists of a series of screams and howls, but D.J. believes he hears the Latin phrase Liberate me (Save me).

Upon boarding the Event Horizon, the crew finds evidence of a massacre. As they search for survivors, the ship's gravity drive activates and briefly pulls Justin into a portal while also causing a shock wave that damages the Lewis and Clark. The crew are forced to board the Event Horizon while Justin emerges in a catatonic state. Smith and Cooper are sent on a spacewalk to repair the hull of the Lewis and Clark.

The crew begins experiencing hallucinations corresponding to their fears and regrets. Miller sees a subordinate he was forced to abandon to his death; Peters sees her son with his legs covered in bloody lesions; Weir sees an eyeless vision of his late wife urging him to join her. Justin attempts suicide by decompression, but he is saved by Miller. The crew places Justin in stasis. They discover a video log of the Event Horizon's crew brutalizing each other shortly after first engaging the gravity drive. The log ends with a shot of the Event Horizon's captain, holding his own eyes gouged from their sockets and speaking the Latin phrase from the earlier distress call. D.J. translates the complete phrase as Libera te tutemet ex inferis (Save yourself from hell).[5]

Weir explains that the ship's drive opened a gateway to a hellish dimension outside the known universe (implied to be Hell), and that the Event Horizon has attained sentience. Miller decides to destroy it. He orders an evacuation while Peters is lured to her death by a hallucination of her son. Weir, who has gouged out his own eyes and is possessed by the evil presence, uses an explosive device to destroy the Lewis and Clark which kills Smith and blasts Cooper into space. Weir kills D.J. by vivisecting him and corners Starck on the bridge. Miller confronts Weir, who overpowers him and initiates a 10-minute countdown to activate the gravity drive and return to the other dimension.

Cooper uses his space suit's oxygen supply to propel himself back to the ship and appears at the bridge window. Weir shoots at him, shattering the window, causing Weir to be blown into space by the decompression. Miller, Starck and Cooper survive and manage to seal off the ship's bridge. With their own ship destroyed, Miller plans to split the Event Horizon in two with explosives and use its forward section as a lifeboat. He is attacked by hallucinations which turn out to be the resurrected and further mutilated Weir. Miller fights him off and detonates the explosives, sacrificing himself.

The gravity drive activates, pulling the ship's stern section into a black hole. Starck and Cooper enter stasis beside a comatose Justin and wait to be rescued. Seventy-two days later, the wreckage of the Event Horizon is boarded by a rescue party who discover the survivors in stasis. Starck sees Weir posing as one of the rescuers and screams in terror, but she awakens and realizes that it was a nightmare. Cooper and the rescue team try to calm the terrified Starck as the doors close.

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Event Horizon Gravity Drive
Royalty Free License 
Event Horizon Gravity Drive
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (5 files)424 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)13 MB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)4.51 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-12-26
  • Model ID#5736432
  • Ready for 3D Printing