Boba Fett Figurine - Pose 3

Boba Fett Figurine - Pose 3 3D print model


3D Print Files in STL format for the updated look of Boba Fett as seen in The Mandalorian.

File stands at 30cm by default but can be rescaled to your liking

Small detail pieces have been optimized for printing

The file comes as a single main body as well as being broken up into 9 pieces for easier printing.

The broken pieces include:HeadTorsoJetpackArms x2Lower BodyLegs x2Platform

As with all of my 3d files, please only use for personal printing.

Item rating
1 0
paulsmyrski-12021-07-30 11:36:03 UTC
good model. keyed well, maybe a version with tunic removed or seperate would be cool. i scaled my model up to 1/5 and cut the fabric off and added my own for a bit more realism.
Boba Fett Figurine - Pose 3
Editorial No Ai License 
Boba Fett Figurine - Pose 3
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 82% in 42.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (10 files)599 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-03-10
  • Model ID#2917864
  • Ready for 3D Printing