Zodd bust

Zodd bust 3D print model


This bust, standing at just 11 cm tall, embodies the strength and grandeur of Zodd the Nosferatu. With precise details and a proud and fierce expression, it captures the essence of this powerful being. A compact and captivating miniature that will bring personality and charm to your collection.

Original height of the bust is 11 cm but you can scale it as you prefer

The miniature is divided into parts for easy printing (requires glue) All pieces have been checked for errors and tested on a resin printer

stl format

The re-sale of these digital files, or any resulting prints of them are strictly *prohibited. Please don't support any web resale

Don't forget to leave a comment. I want to know your opinions

Thank you very much

alexanderdubz2024-04-28 11:29:17 UTC
I have been looking for a GOOD quality Zodd (pre and post transformation) and was so happy to see THIS one when I came across it after alllmost giving up. The Only thing I wish you'd consider would be a FULL-Scale version. I mean if this quality is in any way indicative of your general ability then it would be a Godsend to myself and many others, I'm sure. Very good work my friend, 10/10
Giosarts2024-04-28 12:48:44 UTC
Thank you for your comment. I am very pleased that my model has satisfied you
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Zodd bust
Editorial No Ai License 
Zodd bust
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 100% in 6.7h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)76.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-06-22
  • Model ID#4588208