Xenoteras Mistress of Doom

Xenoteras Mistress of Doom 3D print model


If you thought a Titan would be big... Here is the Mistress of Doom! Even if Xenoteras don´t have a specified gender, the soldiers always said the udder-like protuberations from the belly of this creature reminds of a female sort of animal. This magnificent Alpha beast is full of things that will stuff your nightmares, the big cannon on the back has to be operated by a Xenoteras Despot or Psyker that is fused to the main body, as it needs that extra mind to control the natural impulse of devouring everything on the way.

This is a Gargantuan size creature that, for the moment, needs a big size printer or a small one if you scale it down. What you will find in here is a .ZIP file with different folders containing the STL files (pieces) to print the model:01.TORSO-This contains two variants: STANDARD (head with no carapus) or JOINT (so you can fit the carapus in)02.CARAPUS BODY-Pieces left and right of the main carapus of the body, front and back03.ARMS-both big and small arms, left and right04.CARAPUS HEAD-with two variants: Flesh Horns (fleshy like carapus with protuberances) or Queen of Thorns (fleshy sort of carapus with a spiked end)05.TENDRILS- for the front of the head and the side of the neck (tip: you can always put arms on the side of the neck to make it look different!)06.TURRET - Comes with different parts for creating the turret where the despot will be placed, the exhausts on the sides and the cannon07.DESPOT-PILOT-Body and head of the pilot08.HIP+LEGS+TAIL-The hips that connect the torso, both legs and both tails

The pieces for smaller printers will be uploaded once they are finished, as this is a very big creature.

Please note that this model is for personal use only. If you are interested on selling my models, please contact me privately

asianlover2021-11-29 04:50:10 UTC
Are you gonna cut it in smaller pieces for small printers ?
redbeardbits2021-08-18 18:45:06 UTC
Hi, the size from the further parts of the model are approx: 235mm tall, 590mm long (from end of the cannon to end of the tail) and 265mm wide. At the minute I have somebody making a print of it, as my printer is not that big. RedBeardBits
adonaros2021-08-13 11:39:24 UTC
hello question how big is the model? and is any way i can see a physical copy of said model?
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Xenoteras Mistress of Doom
Custom License 
Xenoteras Mistress of Doom
Custom License 
Response 83% in 18.4h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)1.55 GB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-06-06
  • Model ID#3085756