Xenoteras Leader of the Brood

Xenoteras Leader of the Brood 3D print model


Leader of the rippers brood. Is a highly intelligent creature that commands the rippers mentally while it lurks in the shadows. His powerful claws are more deadly than the conventional ripper ones, his could easily make a hole in the armor of a tank. His mental powers, strenght and agility makes him a really powerful opponent and a great ally for the xenoteras.

Designed to fit in a 32mm base. The model comes with extra severed body parts and base assets. Some parts were modified to ensure a better print, enhacing some details like the teeth, muscles and body parts.

Please note that this model is for personal use only. If you are interested on selling my models, please contact me privately

Please remember that these models are for personal use only, no cast, distribution or selling of printed models will be allowed unless with explicit permission of the author.

Item rating
1 0
ragdollrat2021-12-08 18:13:17 UTC
Great model, been recomending it around tyranid/genestealer circles. only nitpick the back arms dont fit too well in the sockets.
Xenoteras Leader of the Brood
Custom License 
Xenoteras Leader of the Brood
Custom License 
Response 83% in 18.4h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (23 files)953 MB
  • OBJ stl (.obj, .mtl)405 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-08-02
  • Model ID#2541912
  • Ready for 3D Printing