Xenoteras Bomber

Xenoteras Bomber 3D print model


Firing living bombs all the way across the battlefield, this heavy troop will act as the perfect barrage and distraction until the rest of the units get to combat!

This models are not for re-selling or distributing and should be used for personal use and enjoyment.

This models have been designed for a 40mm base for the bomber (but will be more comfortable on a 60mm) and 25mm for the bomb (you will find a version of it with base and without). Also, you will find attached 2 bases, one of 40mm and one of 60mm. Apart from the bases, all the pieces have been supported with AUTOMATIC SUPPORTS, please check before printing.

Please visit my Patreon website www.patreon.com/redbeardbits if you are interested in a commercial license.

Please remember that these models are for personal use only, no cast, distribution or selling of printed models will be allowed unless with explicit permission of the author. Please note that this model is for personal use only. If you are interested on selling my models, please contact me privately. Digital copies are NEVER to be shared, changed or distributed.

Item rating
2 0
Sukram3142021-02-23 11:13:31 UTC
phishman182020-10-03 02:34:44 UTC
The best Biovore proxie Ive seen. I'll be making about 9 of them to bombard my opponents into oblivion.
Xenoteras Bomber
Custom License 
Xenoteras Bomber
Custom License 
Response 83% in 18.4h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ chitubox (.obj, .mtl)122 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)186 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2020-07-31
  • Model ID#2536959