Shinomura (シノムラ?) is a radioactive parasitic colony daikaiju created by Legendary Pictures that first appeared in the 2014 Godzilla graphic novel, Godzilla: Awakening. While the creatures could technically take on two different forms, the main form of a Shinomura were massive, winged, insect-like Titans with blue segmented armor and black, membranous wings. They had a total of six glowing white eyes, with there being three on each side of the head. Their bodies were long and serpentine, ending in a sharp, scorpion-like prehensile tail. Their mouths were comprised of sharp plates and supported by exo-mandibles. At times, a bright white light could been seen shining from inside the mouth of the Shinomura. Upon reaching larger sizes, two long tendrils ending in sharp barbs grow from underneath the creature.