Very good
The Classic Vampire series : Vlad Tepes
The first figurine of the classic vampire myth series, Vlad the Impailor. The namegiver of Dracula .The hero and Tyrant of Wallachia. Now with gratist Vlad tepes pendant
ThePack contains: the headbust in high res in OBJ and STL (binary) format: VladHighres.rar
the more optimized version in OBJ and STL (binary) format: - VladOpt.rar
The original Zbrush model :Vlad.ztl
The Vlad tepes pendant in OBJ, and STL format: (PendantVlad75K.OBJ,PendantVlad75K.stl)
The Vlad tepes pendant in Ztool format(PendantVladhighres.rar)
Live3d preview available on sketch_fab searc merces VladTepes