2024-06-16 22:37:30 UTCraygilbers
I have interest in this awesome print but what are the minimum sozes for the orinter? I'm using a Ceality ermoon V1 Pro which is 17.5 x 17.5 x 17.5 cm am I able to print this?
1/5 scale model. On the pictures, it is printed at 100% of its size (PLA 0.1mm layers), used colors : white, silver, blue, black, red and cyan. For the feet cables, I used brown electric wire (1.5mm²). Few cleaning, no paintjob, the result is rough printed. The model is provided with instructions to make it easy to construct. At this size, it can be used as a pencil box, but it is possible to upscale it to make a cookie jar or a candy box. Be careful, if you want direct contact with food, you have to use FDA aproved filament. Do not hesitate to share pictures of your makes and send me your feedback.