Sparrowmouse Gryphon Neutral

Sparrowmouse Gryphon Neutral 3D print model


Meet the tiniest of gryphons: the Sparrowmouse Gryphon, a cross between a house sparrow and a house mouse. Both species are very frequent visitors to our garden, so I felt inspired watching them skitter around :)

I uploaded the model in several sizes: 50mm (for resin printers), 70mm (for FDM printers, as they might struggle with the claws) and 120mm (lifesize). I figured it would be cool to have a lifesize version, which reflects the size I'd imagine it to be in real life. For this purpose, the model has also been split into several parts.

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Copyright 2019 Michelle Lampe (LabradoriteWolf)

  • This content is for your personal use only.
  • Redistributing, selling or freely uploading STL files of my models is strictly forbidden.
  • You are not allowed to make molds to cast my models for mass production.

Be aware, this model is not pre-supported yet!Object size: 50mm (resin): 73.0 x 65.9 x 50 mm70mm (FDM): 102.3 x 92.3 x 70 mm120mm (lifesize): 175.3 x 158.2 x 120 mm

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Sparrowmouse Gryphon Neutral
Editorial No Ai License 
Sparrowmouse Gryphon Neutral
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 71% in 33.1h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (8 files)875 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-10-28
  • Model ID#4078173
  • Ready for 3D Printing