Smilodon populator Saber-Toothed Tiger roaring

Smilodon populator Saber-Toothed Tiger roaring 3D print model


After getting a lot of requests for extinct animal species, I asked my Patrons through a poll which prehistoric mammal species they'd like me to make, and the saber-toothed tiger came in first place. I've worked very hard on reconstructing Smilodon populator (the biggest species) as accurately as possible with all the drawings, insights and findings of paleontologists (of Mauricio Antón in particular), which was super enjoyable. There's a good chance I'll be working on more extinct species in the near future ;)

If you like this model, consider becoming a Patron and get access to both this model and several others for only $8 a month!Patreon:

Copyright 2019 Michelle Lampe (LabradoriteWolf)

  • This content is for your personal use only.
  • Redistributing, selling or freely uploading STL files of my models is strictly forbidden.
  • You are not allowed to make molds to cast my models for mass production.

Be aware, this model is not pre-supported yet!Object size: 26.2 x 94.7 x 57.0 mm (but can be easily resized)

BitModel2023-06-05 15:14:18 UTC
BsTen2023-06-03 09:12:48 UTC
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Smilodon populator Saber-Toothed Tiger roaring
Editorial No Ai License 
Smilodon populator Saber-Toothed Tiger roaring
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 71% in 33.1h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)143 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-10-28
  • Model ID#4078133
  • Ready for 3D Printing