This model is very special to me, as it represents one of my current D&D characters: Skriii, the Jackdaw Kenku (long death monk)! Jackdaws are the smallest species of the corvid family, and Skriii is heavily inspired by a little jackdaw that has been residing in our garden since last August. Skriii has been a crazy fun character to play, who has absolutely no inhibition and somehow turned into both the comic relief and a beast of a murder weapon to the party.
For this model I've been experimenting a bit with textures for the first time. For the tiny version, this won't make a very big difference, but since I'm planning on printing a bigger version of her, I included a HD model so that all those details will be preserved.
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Copyright 2019 Michelle Lampe (LabradoriteWolf)
This model is pre-supported!Object size: Small version: 20.7 x 27.6 x 44.0 mmBig HD version: 47.0 x 62.8 x 100.0 mm (but can be easily resized) (but can be easily resized)