Designed for 3d printing. STL file is 32mm scale. Pre-supported.
LYS file for Lychee slicer, pre-supported STL and normal STL.
License: Private Use Only, Non Commercial and No Derivatives.
Red XIII, real name Nanaki, is a red lion or wolf-like beast and one of the playable characters in Final Fantasy VII. He also appears in other entries of the Final Fantasy VII series. He is a guest in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Red XIII is the only quadrupedal playable character in the main Final Fantasy series so far.
Red XIII is the name he received as a specimen designation while held captive and experimented upon by Professor Hojo, and remains the name he is called by the party and in battle in Final Fantasy VII. Although he is 48 years old, he is developmentally equivalent to a 15- or 16-year-old human by his long-lived species' standards. He fights alongside Cloud Strife and his allies to fulfill his duty to the planet to defend it as a warrior.