Cristo Redentor Christ the Redeemer
High resolution and realistic, fully detailed and textured Cristo Redentor. Detailed enough for close-up renders. Comes with detailed normal maps and color map textures.
Originally modelled in 3ds max 8. Final images rendered with Vray.
The 3ds max zip file contains also vray and standard materials scenes.
Geometry :
Cristo_Redentor :
2424 poly ; 2426 verts ;
430 poly ; 432 verts;
Textures :
Cristo_Rendentor use Three textures ,Diffuse, Normal,and a seamless map for addition bump
Two Map channel : channel 1 is unwarpuvw[non-overlapping] channel 2 is uvw mapping box
Platform use one texture for bump and diffuse color mix
Textures formats and size:
JPEG .jpg
cristo_diffuse.jpg 2048x2048
cristo_Normal.jpg 4096x4096
cristo_addbump-seamless.jpg 1200x1200
Platform_Bump_and_mix-mask.jpg 2688x1344
And, a ZTL file is provided, was created with Zbrush 4R3 .
Hope you like it !