arkantx2023-05-26 16:25:51 UTCI love your designs, very clean and they look a lot alike

Max-AKF2022-08-06 12:43:25 UTCExcellent model, very well sculpted, it really captured the spirit of the original cartoon show, good polygon density. Thank you very much :)

daniel25252022-02-07 01:26:41 UTCThis PETER POTAMUS and SO SO kit is an excellent sculptural rendering by a master sculptor. Not only are the characters captured in spot-on perfection, but careful thought has gone into joint and separation points. This STL file is a rare gift for those of us who remember when cartoons were really great. This file does not disappoint. I have printed it in larger scale and smaller scale with spectacular results for both. The photos don't show how truly beautiful this sculpt is. Eul is a MASTER artist, and you will not be disappointed!
srj8232021-09-28 03:55:58 UTCEasy print! Great fit! Another great from Uel!!!!