Paimon Genshin Impact

Paimon Genshin Impact 3D print model


modelo creado en base a Paimon con cara intercambiable, me tomo alrededor de una semana, impreso en una ender 3, cuenta con dos bases, las fotos fueron echas del modelo que esta para impresion, Paimon mide 30 centimetros mas la base sobrepasa los 35 centimetros, los parametros de impresion varian segun la pieza. capa actualizada.

model created based on Paimon with interchangeable face, it took me about a week, printed on an ender 3, it has two bases, the photos were taken of the model that is for printing, Paimon measures 30 centimeters plus the base exceeds 35 centimeters, the printing parameters vary according to the piece.

Romaneus2021-01-25 08:32:10 UTC
Great work!
Item rating
2 0
francesco-berteotti2023-08-30 13:32:09 UTC
excellent model, I really appreciated the choice of having many printable parts instead of one monolithic model.
rvieriz-me2021-03-16 16:50:09 UTC
This is a clean, detailed an awesome 3D model to pint
Paimon Genshin Impact
Royalty Free License 
Paimon Genshin Impact
Royalty Free License 
Response 100% in 0.7h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)362 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-02
  • Model ID#2686742
  • Ready for 3D Printing