3D printable medium-poly version of Dragonslayer Ornstein from dark souls made as true to the first game as possible.
Use OrnsteinSplitPrintPlate models or 3mf printplate for printing (you can also split it yourself from the unsplit version)
You need to print the leg-stand (in transparent material) or glue the other foot down to make Ornstein stand upright.
I printed it on my prusa mini, only adding support enforcers where the angles became too extreme. Pictures of 3D print is after a rough clean-up of supports with no other processing.
The two halves of the spear is assembled inside his hands after sanding the holes to make it fit.
Notes and scale
I hope you enjoy my model! I had some issues with the units exporting from blender and PrusaSlicer.The units of the split model is set to 50cm in height. The print plate is scaled to 20cm tall in prusa slicer.
Fan artwork i found on art station was used as reference for pose (John Agnew: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/DJy30)