Yamato Onepiece

Yamato Onepiece 3D print model


A piece done for my daughter as she is into the One piece Anime and with this being a new Character to her she wanted it.After so long with having the solid skirt it has now been Hollowed out to allow legs to be added instead of it being in one piece, Hope you like the update

Yamato is the daughter of Kaidou of the Four Emperors and proclaims to be Kozuki Oden. Her profound admiration for the legendary samurai has led Yamato to embody everything related to the samurai to the extent of proclaiming to be a man as well, and she is widely referred to as Kaidou's son.After meeting Monkey D. Luffy, Yamato decided to defect to the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance waging war against Kaidou, and once her father is defeated, Yamato intends on going out to sea with Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates.

Yamato is tall, being almost twice Luffy's height but not nearly as tall as Kaidou. She has long, white hair that is bound between orange rods into a ponytail at the back, which fades into aqua green and then blue the further down it goes, and ends in rectangular locks similar to Kaidou. Yamato also has large, orange eyes with prominent eyelashes, and wears gold hoop earrings on both ears and has red horns. Clothing-wise, she wears a pair of red hakama pants and sandals, and, much like Oden, wears a large purple and white nio-daisuki behind the back.

Yamato's current outfit is a sleeveless white garment with a diamond-shaped design on both sides and an indigo, wisp-patterned bottom half. This garment was originally a sleeved kimono with long white sleeves, but these were later ripped off, leaving the garment sleeveless and making it more form-fitting. Also, while in disguise, Yamato originally also wore a hannya mask, which has a blue wig with an extremely long and wild mane attached to the top and a long blue goatee attached to the bottom.

Around four years ago, Yamato wore a similar long-sleeved outfit, but with different symbols on the breast area. The symbols resemble an oden skewer.

At age 8, Yamato's outfit was nearly identical to today, except with a slightly different mask with shorter horns and beard and without the nio-daisuki. In the manga her outfit lacked the diamond-shaped design.

Yamato wields a giant kanabo club much like Kaidou, though hers is studded and more slender, while Kaidou's is spiked and a bit thicker. Coupled with Yamato's immense strength, the kanabo can wreak tremendous damage to objects and opponents with a single hit,[10] and with Yamato's strength and Haki, it can be used to perform flying strikes that can even resemble energy blasts.[18] Yamato has masterful technique with her kanabo despite its great size and weight, being capable of moving it to counter Luffy's rapid attacks with little effort.

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Yamato Onepiece
Royalty Free License 
Yamato Onepiece
Royalty Free License 
Response 60% in 5.8h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)801 MB
  • glTF (.gltf, .glb) (2 files)19.1 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)153 MB
  • Collada (.dae)81.7 MB
  • Blender (.blend)61.6 MB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)224 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-09-19
  • Model ID#3277424