One eyed monster vintage space toy scan

One eyed monster vintage space toy scan 3D print model


3D scan of an old vintage space figurine found in a flea market. It was said to be an italian 1950s figure coming along with spacemen toy soldiers (missing) and made in paste, as commonly used in Europe in those days. Model was in crappy conditions so some refurbishing was needed. I've thought could be a good idea to save it so collectors would be able to keep a copy of such a weird rarity. In the pics you can see the scan and the original one. It's a big beast, almost 14 inches long, very heavy, so strange thinking kids could handle it to play. The one used for the scan was restored according the remaining colors, but maybe they were all painted differently, so you are free to use any color you like.

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One eyed monster vintage space toy scan
Custom No Ai License 
One eyed monster vintage space toy scan
Custom No Ai License 
Response 89% in 0.4h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)8.24 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-08-04
  • Model ID#3192963
  • Ready for 3D Printing