The model is 1:50 scale.
Warranty support: means that you have 14 days since you buy it to try it on your printer and message me to make some adjustements and resend you the updated model. Upgraded model will also be the new file here, I do this because I dont have a printer and maybe I have to correct some things. You can resize it to the desired lenght in any 3D software.
Also if you print it and got cool pictures, please dm me I'm offering a bit of compensation for physical pictures.If you need faster response @Frost3Dart on instagram.
Printing information:Dimensions: 73,5 mm x 160.00 mm x 68.6 mm.Has also a supported(filament and resin) version, but if you have the knowledge about printing I recomend you making your own(I dont have that much experience and maybe doesnt work properly)