A huge pack of 3d printable assets for your modern city tabletop miniature wargames. The pack contains the following assets...
Trash cans
Telephone booths
Street lamps
Traffic light
Vending machine
Gas station kiosk, pumps, and sign
Manhole cover
Newspaper machine
Traffic cones
Fire hydrant
Traffic barrier
Rooftop A/C vent
Parking meter
nonPareil institute is committed to building better futures for adults with autism through technical and work-readiness training and social engagement activities. These 3d models were created by former nonPareil Institute students and staff members who help other adults on the autism spectrum explore their technical passions and skills. You can check us out at www.npusa.org and www.powersourcing.net
One or more textures on the bases presented in this pack of these 3d models have been created with photographs from Textures.com. These photographs may not be redistributed by default; please visit textures.com for more information.