Mewtwo pokemon 3D print model

Mewtwo pokemon 3D print model 3D print model


Mewtwo with themed base.You have 3 option for the shadow ball:

  • scale it down to 50-70% to avoid wasting too much resin
  • make it hollow with the auto function in your slicer, but remember that you need to cure the inside of it with a small uv light, otherwise it will crack probabily after some months
  • leave mewtwo without the ball

Happy printing! :)

If you want to sell physical prints of my models or to get access to montly early releases at lower price... please consider joining my patreon

I'll try to add a real reference when I have time to print and paint, check out my other designs to see some final results.

Most of my design comes in separate parts for better printing/painting but if you want something in a single piece... just ask :)

Feel free to contact me for any questions ^^ Hope you like it!

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Mewtwo pokemon 3D print model
Royalty Free License 
Mewtwo pokemon 3D print model
Royalty Free License 
Response 85% in 2.2h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)41.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-02-15
  • Model ID#4298882
  • Ready for 3D Printing