Meliodas sword Dragon Handle seven deadly sins

Meliodas sword Dragon Handle seven deadly sins 3D print model


Meliodas「メリオダス」 is the Dragon's Sin of Wrath and captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, formerly the owner of the renowned tavern Boar Hat, and is the main protagonist of the series. His Sacred Treasure is the Demon Sword Lostvayne and his inherent power is Full Counter. He was also the head of the Ten Commandments, as Meliodas the Love「慈愛のメリオダス Jiai no Meriodasu」and a former member of Stigma. He is the older brother of Zeldris and the eldest son of the Demon King.

The Dragon Handle is a fragment of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness. It had been kept under Meliodas since the fall of Danafor and doubled as his primary weapon which he used in conjunction with Full Counter, until it was taken away by Helbram.

The model is suitable for 3d printing, theres whole variant, and sliced variant nj print by parts, as seen on the pictures.

vareniksosmetanoj2022-02-21 11:56:34 UTC
Good job!
adelvudu2022-02-20 18:56:51 UTC
tatoosha2021-07-17 16:48:12 UTC
Thank you! I f you will not find what you need, just give me know, ill fix.
rippedclaw2021-07-17 16:44:29 UTC
Ok thanks! I'll just go through the files then. The model looks great haha I just didn't have a big enough printer to do it the size I want in one print.
tatoosha2021-07-17 16:42:56 UTC
It depends of what you want to get. One of files that you can download is exactly model, sliced on three parts, as on screenshots. If you want something different, please give me to know
psdeocampo-14b1b92021-09-18 07:09:35 UTC
Hi, I just ordered the file through my other email, but I can't find the sliced variant. Can you send me that file through that email? And will it work on Ender 3? I'll send you proof of my purchase, because i'm using my gmail account, instead of my yahoo account.
tatoosha2021-09-18 13:02:07 UTC
I cant attach files here in comments, so send me your direct e-mail or write to me from your previous account, where you bought it.
Item rating
0 1
gecko082022-09-25 11:00:15 UTC
Not Recommended
Printed the sliced version from the blade to handle with rainbow PLA just to find that the head does not fit connecting piece.
Meliodas sword Dragon Handle seven deadly sins
Royalty Free License 
Meliodas sword Dragon Handle seven deadly sins
Royalty Free License 
Response 70% in 1.7h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (3 files)135 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)118 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-09-19
  • Model ID#2615086
  • Ready for 3D Printing