Marcella hulkbuster action figure

Marcella hulkbuster action figure 3D print model


As part of the September release for my Patreon campaign, I made an original model called Marcella, for 3D printing. She's on a 1:14 scale, and comes with an alternative base without the monster.

If you like my work and want to support me, or if you want to get a constant stream of sexy characters for 3dprinting for a signature price, please consider pledging for my Patreon page.

tallman582021-11-02 02:48:26 UTC
ok thanks. nice looking model
tallman582021-10-28 16:44:42 UTC
ok, thanks. that helps. what scale was it designed to be printed at? I have an Elegoo Mars, so wondering how large I will be able to print.
torrida2021-10-28 17:02:52 UTC
It's on 1:14 scale. I usually make all my models with the Elegoo Mars in mind, and my usual scale is 1:10. However, since this model had a larger base than usual and I didn't want to split it into too many parts, I made this model smaller overall to fit in the Mars build area.
tallman582021-10-27 02:35:34 UTC
Does this come in parts or is it just one piece?
torrida2021-10-27 15:40:14 UTC
It comes in split parts, but there is also a version in a single piece :)
tallman582021-10-27 22:48:53 UTC
can you send me pictures or post them of the parts break down? thanks
torrida2021-10-27 23:25:45 UTC
Yes, I can certainly send you an image showing the parts break down. I haven't uploaded it here on CGTrader because it has a few nude parts and they'd block it. You can either write me to or access these links:
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Marcella hulkbuster action figure
Editorial No Ai License 
Marcella hulkbuster action figure
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 92% in 10.7h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)145 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-09-25
  • Model ID#3291238
  • Ready for 3D Printing