Print ready Mammoth figure in static pose.
Mesh is manifold. Measure units are millimeters, it is about 5 cm in height.
Faces count: 891010 (tris)
Here is solid and hollow versions of the mammoth. Wall thickness for hollow version is about 1 mm. Available formats: .blend, .obj, .stl, .fbx, .dae
And here is version with tusks as separate object, that can be printed or carved separately. Three files of this version are available:
1) Tusks.stl 2) Mammoth-Solid_withoutTusks.stl 3) Mammoth-Hollow_withoutTusks.stl
And here is .blend files that contains hollow and solid versions with separate tusks.
Cycles materials that was used for rendering is available in Mammoth-Solid.blend file.