Magic Conjuring Mirror Undead Version

Magic Conjuring Mirror Undead Version 3D print model


Intended for 3d print.

This is a model kit containing a mirror glass with an undead dragon emerging out of it, a mirror frame to insert the mirror glass into, an alternative empty mirror glass, and a name sign. See image gallery for reference. With the kit you can build a magical mirror that summons creatures onto the battlefield. The mirror frame can be inserted with various creature models, which can then be replaced if you want the mirror to summon something else. Tired of the undead dragon? Insert a vampire instead. Bored with the vampire? Insert a golem, or a giant, or a unicorn. NOTE that this kit only includes the conjured undead dragon model. Other creature models are sold separately. This product description will be updated with links to these creature models as they are released. I plan to release a great number of different creatures, to give you plenty of options.

Recommended scale is 28mm and upwards, but the kit can probably be printed at sub-28mm scales as well.

Alternative monster conjuring kits:

3d-apxumekmop2023-11-08 09:18:27 UTC
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Magic Conjuring Mirror Undead Version
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Magic Conjuring Mirror Undead Version
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Response 92% in 15.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)24.5 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-11-08
  • Model ID#4889965
  • Ready for 3D Printing